Deepsilver Series

I was so excited when I finally started writing my first real new adult book! Pandora Wild Child was it for me, and that girl, that wild, wild charismatic girl is still with me like she was flesh and bones. I wanted to do the New Adult genre justice, writing with the gritty and sometimes hilarious reality of Young Adult, as well as allowing for more mature themes, like explicit sexual encounters and romance that isn’t cookie-cutter-shaped.

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Pandora Wild Child

I’m free. F***ing free!
I’m in college with my best friends and far, far from home!
With my Scheuermann’s disease as the excuse, my father kept me locked up at home all through high school. Here in Deepsilver, I can be me, Pandora, so why should I hold back?

They accept our fake IDs at Smother, our local haunt. I’m the life of the party, everyone loves me—hell, I could get away with murder in this place. Drunk off my ass, I dance on the bar, and—

I’m on top of the world!

I need to get my shit together, though. If I don’t pull off good grades, my father won’t pay my tuition. There’s no way I’m moving back into his “fortress.”

At the bar, I set my eyes on a gorgeous stranger. My plans don’t involve him long term; one night should be enough. But Dominic is more than I bargained for. God, I’m so drawn to this man. My skin hums at his touch because—

He expels the shadows of my past and replaces my pain with desire.

Perfect Dominic. Beautiful, graduating, soon-to-move-on-with-his-life Dominic.

I’m a wild child. A hot mess. Not grownup and focused like him. He’s addictive, and I am weak, but—screw this; I can wean myself off him! With the right antidote—

Addictions can be broken.

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Stunning club owner Leon keeps his world on a tight leash. He subdues his past by means of deviant sex, his martial arts, and his motorcycle. But when destiny throws him curveballs at the hands of a beautiful employee and a dying tormentor, he loses his precious control.

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Leon’s Way

I’m Leon, number one object of Deepsilver’s rumor mill. Owner of student hotspot, Smother.

Since I was sixteen, the world has been mine. I do everything—My way.

Every co-ed in town clenches her thighs over me, but most don’t fit the bill. See, I like my girls broken. Once I detect my shade of don’t-give-a-shit damaged, I fight hard, I fight dirty, and I don’t give up until—
I conquer.

Drunk fathers and frequent beatings don’t merit attention, but when my despicable dad starts the process of croaking, I’m forced to remember. Thus, the downward spiral begins: my latest broken-girl turns the tables on me and splits. My hot-as-hell employee, Arriane, throws me the curve ball of a lifetime. And suddenly—
I’m out of control.

But at the center of my chaos, she exists. Always close, always sweet, and so beautifully fu*king… wholesome. She represents everything I’ve shied from in a woman. Still—
I crave her.

I’m Leon, and I don’t deny my cravings. Just—this girl is not surrendering. So here I am, fighting harder. Fighting dirtier. And goddammit all, I will—


Adrenaline Crush Twitter

“Reading this story was like slamming vodka shots chased by red bulls!”
– Jessica A., Amazon reader

Adrenaline Crush TitleAdrenaline Crush

Cameron Falck gets off on defying death.
As a wingsuit diver, his body is pure steel and his nerves packed with ice, but even extreme sport addicts have their kryptonite.

Swedish exchange student, Ingela, barges into town, on the run from her seductive rocker ex. Soon, she’s rattling Cameron’s already dangerous existence, catapulting him over the edge in more ways than one.